
We’re Studio Whisk. That’s us in the photo - Louis and Ailish.

Typically, Louis with his camera, scoffing something tasty, and Ailish wrapped in a blanket-sized scarf, coffee in hand.

Between us we’ve got over 15 years’ worth of creative marketing experience under our belts (one a few more years than the other, but we’ll leave you to wonder). We’ve worked with brands, big and small, to help tell their stories and grow their audience- all whilst making everything look its best.

We work with a collective of our favourite creatives to help bring the crème de la crème of content to brands across the country.

Here’s a little bit about the two of us…



The creative design whiz.

Queen of pencils and props, you’ll either find her drawing or on her way to the next flea market, in hunt of a fancy fork or the perfect patined backdrop.

She survives on good coffee, lives in black and is overly polite.



The hungry happy-snapper.

Louis’ experience is with photography and social media, always trying to capture that ‘grammable moment - *eye roll*, such a #millennial. He would describe himself as a ‘hungry happy-snapper’. Yep, he’s that guy in the restaurant who shamelessly makes his friends wait before tucking in, just so he can get a beaut photo of the food.

He’s loved food his whole life, and took up photography about 10 years ago - it only seemed natural to combine the two and become a food photographer. He was also born with a weird ability to squat- very handy when spending hours snapping those low angles.


Fancy a (pastel de) natter…

We love a chat, and a pun - so why not say hi?